DAY #120 - 'A Woman of Faith' Devotional
VERSE: "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace..." Psalm 12:6
In yesterday's devotion found HERE, we spoke of 'Give us this day our daily bread', 'bread' being that which we need to go through each day, not just the actual food itself. In Matthew 4:4, it says, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God", meaning that we are not to live on just 'bread', but also by the 'bread of life' which is God's Word. God's Word as in the Bible is important for us, but just as in yesterday's devotional, 'Prayer Changes Things & You', God's words in prayer are just as important. When we pray to Him, He may come and speak to us. Now it is not audible everytime, but I guess for some it could be. I usually feel His voice in my spirit or my heart. He reveals things to me like that. If He has spoken audibly, I have obviously missed out because I haven't heard & listened to it. There are times when I think I hear an 'audible' voice, but I'm not sure it's not just someone around me. I know that we all, but I myself have to pray and get deeper into the Word more so that I can discern better, so that I may grow more intimate with Him.
In my teaching classes, I always tell the children/youth how important God's Word is to them, for we are soooooo blessed to be able to have more than one in our homes, where people around the world may only have one page of it, or not be able to have it at all or they will be killed. We need to treat it as a rare treasure, not just another book on our shelf or coffee table... or in our hotel room bedside drawer. His Word reveals His purposes, but His Word becomes 'my' Bible, that brings life, truth and hope to me. Do you want to know what to do with your life? He can reveal that to you through His Word. Are you struggling with pain of the past, or health issues? God can minister to you through His Word. Are you seeking Him for more blessings, whether it be spiritual, financial, physical, emotional, social, mental... for you and/or your family, your friends, your co-workers, your clientelle & their families, or even just those around you who are hurting? It's all in the Word, God can and will do great & mighty things for us, but there are also some things that we need to be doing here on earth for Him to move in great power. He doesn't need us, but He wants us. Sometimes we think we don't want Him, but we always do truly need Him. We need to fulfill our mission or calling here on the earth, and be the hands and feet of Jesus, completing His mission of bringing everyone into the kingdom. But we cannot find out our mission, if we do not humble ourselves & pray, and submit to Him and read his Word daily.
"Finding one's mission, and then fulfilling it, is perhaps the most vital activity in which a person can engage." ~ Laurie Beth Jones
Maybe you have never heard the GOSPEL MESSAGE, or you don't have that 'relationship' with Christ. That's what it's all about it's not religion, it's a relationship. Here is the GOSPEL MESSAGE simplicity - -
We are ALL sinners - Sin results in Death - God loved the world so much, He sent us His Son Jesus - Jesus came to earth to teach, train, equip, and mentor - Jesus did the work of the Father, praying, healing, performing miracles, teaching of His Father's love - Jesus died ONCE & FOR ALL for our sins, so that we didn't have to die - He rose again, to live with His Father in Heaven - Jesus intercedes for us to the Father - We are commissioned to do the work of the Father, trainging, teaching, equipping, praying, healing, performing miracles, but most importantly sharing His story, 'History' not fiction (the gospel) - Jesus will come back for believers - We as believers get to live eternally in Heaven with Him. (If we do not believe, then we will have eternal death, as we haven't accepted the FREE gift of Salvation).
**If you have never prayed the 'salvation prayer' before (or maybe you did long ago and have drifted away)& haven't experienced the joy of the relationship that is spoken of above, then here's your chance today. The only thing you are giving up is things that aren't going to last long anyway -- which if you don't give up, will only make your own life not last as long as it could (which is eternally). --- You've already made the first step known - admit to God that you are a sinner, because after all - all of us are sinners. (Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God") After that you need to believe that God is God, and that Jesus is His Son. He sent His Son to die for us, so that we as sinners didn't need to be condemned to death. (Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, bu the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.") Then do something a little difficult, and Confess your sins to Him and ask for forgiveness -- and then confess aloud that JESUS IS LORD. (Romans 10:9-10 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.") We need to daily ask for forgiveness (sometimes more than once a day), because we are human and we will always mess up in some way or another. God is willing and able to forgive us, and welcome YOU into His family. I don't like to write out a prayer anymore to say word for word, as this important step is something that you need to tell God in your own words. (But if you need someone to help you or to chat with, just comment below.) Just tell Him what's in your heart - you're a sinner, you want to believe in Him but it may be hard, you want Him to forgive you of what you've done, and you want to choose life with Him through His Son Jesus. Then find a local SPIRIT-FILLED, Bible believing, covered by the BLOOD church to be a part of, to encourage you along the way. It's as simple as that. ** GOD BLESS YOU!
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