
Apr 1, 2011

"Trusting His Answers"

DAY # 91 - "A Woman of Faith" Devotional
VERSE: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 NLT

Well, it is the first day of another new month this year, I can't believe it's Day #91 already. A new month, with new beginnings and new challenges. Thankfully God is there with us all the way. We are not supposed to be focused on circumstances, or the things that we think we understand, we are supposed to trust God fully with ALL of our life, if we are true followers of Christ. We find ourselves, and I included petitioning God through the day, especially in the rough times in our lives -- God is definitely not a vending machine, and should not be treated as such. He is a giver, but we must thank Him and pray to Him in all circumstances - happy, sad, angry, bitter, resentment, peace, strife, etc... We just need to call on Him because He promises to answer our requests, yet His answer may not always be the one that we are looking for... and sometimes it's hard to trust in that answer. We must however accept the answer, and go forth in our journey-- even if we do not understand. We must not depend on our own understanding -- for God's ways & thoughts are higher than ours. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9

God doesn't just give us what we desire, He gives us what He desires to give us in His great plan -- and sometimes yes, it does end up being what we desired in the first place, and usually it's better than anything we could have dreamed or imagined! YAY GOD! Sometimes God says 'No' because He has something much better in store -- and we definitely do not want to 'settle'! Remember HOPE floats, but SETTLING sinks (& stinks!). (Check out my devotional on Hope vs. Settle here.) We must always trust and hope in His faithfulness, for He will also sometimes desire us to wait, before we can receive the full benefit and thing we are desiring. Now, once we align ourselves with God more, His desires become our desires, so the thing we are desiring should always be more of Him.

Trusting in God is also hard when you are praying for the life of a friend or family member-- when we ask for 'healing' for example, we see 'death' as God not answering our prayers, yet He has healed them completely and they are worshipping at His throneroom. (If they are a follower of Christ) We need to pray accordingly, we cannot pray selfishly - either with our own requests or petitions for others. Sometimes God does grant us (through His grace and mercy) a few more years with our friends or family, and thankfully we can accept them as a gracious gift.

Trust is a BIG word --- we think of 'trust' here on earth, and most of us prove to be untrustworthy at some times in our lives. We find it hard to trust others when we have been hurt again and again... yet God remains FAITHFUL, and we can TRUST Him at His word.

... possibly to be continued...


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