
Jul 9, 2020


// MONDAY //
Read – Psalm 19:4-6, Colossians 2:1-10
SOAP – Psalm 19:4-6 
"Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race."
Such a good word today! THANKFULNESS is resounding in me along with the words PLAN & PURPOSE! #HappyMonday
From our Memory Verse/SOAP verse, Psalm 19:4-6, in the NLT it says, "Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat."
I pulled out -- Creation/Nature's message goes forth silently to the ears, yet proclaims loudly to the eyes! Our Creator made a home for each thing/person He created. The sun serves its purpose of light and heat. Even on a cloudy day, the sun is still shining behind the clouds. Daily, it follows God's Plan and rises in east & travels across the sky to set in the west. 🌞
God has a PLAN & PURPOSE for ALL of His creation... even the littlest ant 🐜has a job to do! We need to SHINE 🌤 like the sun, even in storms🌦, & do what we are called to do for the world! The sun cannot rise in the west, it follows it's course that it was meant to fulfil! 🌞
In our other reading, Colossians 2:1-10 - Verse 7 stood out to me. Last week I spoke about being like a tree with strong roots, and v7 says "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."🌳
Therefore... Be rooted in Christ - FAITH will grow in the TRUTH I'm being taught (& have been taught) & then THANKFULNESS will overflow!!
BONUS THOUGHT: The TREE needs the SUN to help it grow... the SUN needs to fulfil its purpose for the TREE to fulfil it's. Just like with us, we need each of us to fulfil our calling/plan/purpose so that others can fulfil theirs! 🌳🌞❤

PS in case you were wondering I am singing a song... "I see the sun waking up the morning..." 🎶👏 GET YOUR HOPES UP!!

Wow... I know the journey of the Sun, but it occurred to me that the Sun never sleeps... as we say goodnight to the sunset... it is rising on the other side of the world...
At FDN (childcare centre) "normally" I am blessed to arrive around 6:10-6:20 AM to open for 6:30 & it is usually pretty dark... and it is dark for a while. The first few children come and we enjoy watching the sun rise in our window. We usually joke about 'waking up the sun, he's still sleeping like most of our friends'... {yes I do miss these times} ❤
But really while the MOON does it's job to shine in the darkness, the SUN is still shining where we cannot see it... and then they switch again... It again is all part of God's plan and purpose for it to fulfill! WOW!! God is soooo good!! 🌞🌚
I also think back to a time when I was much younger (somewhere between K and gr 2) & we had a swimming pool in our backyard. My Mom 
 was in the house watching us through the kitchen window, and my older brother and I were in the pool. And all of a sudden Mom came to the window and told us to get out of the pool... it was storming. .. Well, it was storming in our front yard, BUT not in the backyard where we were. It was sunny and blue skies!! I still remember this with fond memories that God kept it sunny for us to swim together. We always had the neighbour kids come over too... so there may have been friends there too & Dad could have been in the yard with us... I don't remember all the facts, but just the fact that God shone His sun for us to continue to enjoy and His Son to protect us! 🌞❤
I was also reminded how God paints the sky in warning to us... the old saying "Red sky at night, sailors/shepherds delight; Red sky in the morning, sailors/shepherds take warning." If we are paying attention, God is in the details as we spoke of last week! 🌅🌆🌌

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