How well do you play if you already know you win in the end?
This sentence has struck a chord in my heart and spirit for a while... it has been heightened recently in light of the Winter Olympics that was just held.
How far would you go to win? The country of RUSSIA was disqualified from entering into the Olympics this year... how disheartening and embarrassing, and hurtful is that? To know your entire country has no bearing or representation at the World Olympics. However, some athletes were given mercy and allowed to participate in the Olympics, yet under the name of Olympic Athletes of Russia (or OAR)... yet, they still had athletes participate who were found to be using illegal drugs to enhance their performance... the reason that their entire country had been previously disqualified. They wanted to win, and they wanted to win dishonestly...
Not all OAR competed with enhancement drugs, but to know those athletes are representing YOU and what you stand for, I would ensure that they do NOT participate in those illegal things as we had been given another chance to make it right. This is disheartening for me and I am not even Russian. Canada had it's own embarrassment as one of our athletes acted inappropriately and didn't represent us to the best of his ability.
Canada competed in their BEST Olympic games ever... we received more medals this year, than any other games. Now, would Canada have played/competed any different had they known on the first day of the Olympics that they were going to come third place in the end? Would Norway have played/competed any differently had they know that they were going to be the country on top?
Would you play or compete differently in a game or sport if you knew before the game started that you will be the winner in the end??
Too many people often play or compete differently knowing that God wins in the end... they say "we can live our lives the way we want, and call on God in the end, we will be winners anyway." But what would happen if they truly went out in full force to compete and play and participate in everything fully and to the best of their ability, even if they knew they would win in the end anyway?
Not everyone has that chance to call on God in the end... sometimes it's too late, and you had the right intentions to call on God and believe. What then? Will you still 'win'?
As a Christian, we know the Word tells us that we win in the end. That does not give us the right to play hap-heartedly, or not play to the fullest of our ability.
This is a thought that I will continue to research and speak with Pastors and other leaders to see what they think and say...
I am excited for it to be a part of a lesson for the Junior Youth sometime too.
Be blessed.
Mar 3, 2018
My #oneword for 2018...
So a new month has begun... and yet more time has passed in between blogging posts. I don't even think anyone reads the blog anyway as no one usually leaves comments or lets me know they have read them (although some people I do know enjoy reading it when I do post them), but freedom of speech in writing comes easily and naturally to me, and I don't really write them for others, I write it for me to express myself. I'm an extroverted speaker, and have no problem projecting my voice, my laugh, my personality, etc. I am also introverted in that I don't have to be talking all the time, I don't always enjoy being the centre of attention, I enjoy some peaceful ME time, and I am not always loud and boistrous. When writing, I can write from the heart and speak sometimes what I do not reveal in words out loud. As I was re-reading past blog posts, I came upon the one from 2017 regarding the #oneword. It wasn't, nor hasn't been something I had heard of or come to care about, but I jumped on the bandwagon and chose a resolution word for 2017... clearly it was a year where I did have to be resolute and stand firm, and I will continue to strive in that area.
Now that it is the 3rd month into 2018, again I didn't see many blogposts, or social media posts on #oneword, but nor did I search it. (I may after I complete this blogpost). So looking forward into this year, and what has transpired in the months of 2017 and now the first 2 months of 2018... I have grown a lot. Spiritually, mentally, intellectually, physically (ha ha), social/emotionally, etc. Because 2017 and 2018 so far has included a lot of family changes, family deaths, deaths of special people, etc, it has got me thinking about our 'junk' and what we think is a 'treasure', and the legacy we are leaving behind us. We have helped clean out homes of our relatives, of items they have treasured through the years, and now we are just donating them, selling them, or even trashing them. How unimportant material items really are, yet the stories of faith and believing and 'finishing well' are what is really important. God is God, and has always been, He is, and He always will be. Our faith is the most important thing in life. Our relationship with God, and His relationship with us is what we can truly stand firm in.
So taking my #oneword from the Bible, and from what I just reflected on (and from seeing example words online), and from this year being an Olympic year, this year I am choosing 2 words, hash-tagged into one... #finishwell
These two words can encompass many areas of my life. Of course, most important is spiritually. I want to "FINISH WELL" in my Spiritual journey. I want to be received in my heavenly home with a "Well done, my good and faithful servant". But I also want to "FINISH WELL" in all areas of life. There are things that I have started in the past, and have never finished. There are ideas, dreams, goals, etc that were at one pursued and never completed or worked on... Some things are just 'dreams', but some things can be brought into the real world. I need to FINISH what I start, and not just complete the tasks, but to complete them well, with excellence. I need to 'finish' my part, so someone else can pick up the baton, and continue their journey being blessed by something I did or said, or was.
This is a year of change... a year where things are happening and moving us in the right direction with God. We need to draw closer to Him, as He is unchanging and unwavering and He is a part of every area. Not just spiritually. After watching part of the funeral/celebration of life of Billy Graham, you can see the lives he touched all for the glory of God. He received many praises of things he had done, but the family (& friends) all gave the glory back to God. I want to be an example to the generations behind me. I want the glory to all go back to God. I am proud of who I am, what I stand for, and what I believe, and I need to remember who I am representing. Billy Graham knew he was representing God, and he was a man of integrity who was the same man on TV, as he was at crusades with millions, as he was at home with a few. I strive to be that kind of person. I want to "FINISH WELL" and people can say they knew me, they loved me, they learned from me, that I encouraged them, that I helped them 'finish well'... but I don't want it to be about me, and what I did or said, but I want it to be what God did through me.
I am beginning this year with a new and fresh vision to continue to learn and be the best me that I can be. It doesn't matter what others think or feel, if I am true to myself, and true to God, then I am living the dream. I am beginning a new adventure of "going back to school" and we will see where God takes me in that. I am excited to dig deeper into the Word of God, and into the deeper things of God. A few times it has been said that I have gifts that are yet uncovered... this is something I am strong at teaching the younger generations, but clearly not living out fully in my own life. I would like to gain respect, knowledge, wisdom, understanding in deeper spiritual things, so I am excited to learn more through the WHSM this year (and in years to come). I do not need a title, paper, etc to say who I am, or what I have learned, but because I am a life-long learner this is where I believe I am to be right now.
I also do not know how long I will be in my current position at work, I do hope that I continue to be at my workplace for a long time, but I know I will not always be in the position I am in right now. I am truly enjoying the position as I can float from room to room and touch the lives of many. From the babies, to Toddlers, to Juniors to Seniors and to their families and my colleagues. I am excited to be able to bless, inspire, assist, equip, train, build relationships, etc. I do not have "a class", but I am a part of all the classes. It is a joy to be welcomed into the rooms by the students, and they are truly happy to have me in their early childhood education. For those little lives, I am there. It is all about the children... helping the families and my colleagues are a nice bonus, but really I need to "FINISH WELL" for them. I have always lived my life with purpose and intention, and am not one for a lot of frivolousness, and small talk. But just sitting and freely observing and interacting with the children may not look like it has purpose or intention... but that right there has learning happening on their part as well as my own. As a teacher, you also have to be a learner. For such a time as this... I was created, I was placed and called to minister to these young lives. Early years learning is very important and I am happy and blessed to minister and be a part of the spiritual aspect of these childrens' lives. They bless me as much or more than I am able to bless them. I am learning a lot more about myself as I teach and learn from these kiddos and my colleagues... and their families. So in this little time that I have, I want to step up and finish well.
Standing firm, especially in this day and age, with all the crap that is going on in the world... things the world has called true, right and legal, yet as Christians we know to be the opposite. "Finish Well" and run the race God has called YOU to... not your neighbour, not your colleague, not your enemy... but YOU. You have a unique purpose and calling on your life, and you need to walk in it.
Too often we get part way, and the tough and rough tries to get us down, or we sit complacent in the world as it "goes to hell in a handbasket"... when just a couple more hits of the sledgehammer/pickaxe would have broken through to our reward... but we stop and turn around thinking we've done all we could do... or we stop or fall just before the finish line, and someone else comes along to get our reward, because we didn't FINISH WELL.
Be blessed and take some time to contemplate how you are doing in your race... will you "Finish Well"?
Now that it is the 3rd month into 2018, again I didn't see many blogposts, or social media posts on #oneword, but nor did I search it. (I may after I complete this blogpost). So looking forward into this year, and what has transpired in the months of 2017 and now the first 2 months of 2018... I have grown a lot. Spiritually, mentally, intellectually, physically (ha ha), social/emotionally, etc. Because 2017 and 2018 so far has included a lot of family changes, family deaths, deaths of special people, etc, it has got me thinking about our 'junk' and what we think is a 'treasure', and the legacy we are leaving behind us. We have helped clean out homes of our relatives, of items they have treasured through the years, and now we are just donating them, selling them, or even trashing them. How unimportant material items really are, yet the stories of faith and believing and 'finishing well' are what is really important. God is God, and has always been, He is, and He always will be. Our faith is the most important thing in life. Our relationship with God, and His relationship with us is what we can truly stand firm in.
So taking my #oneword from the Bible, and from what I just reflected on (and from seeing example words online), and from this year being an Olympic year, this year I am choosing 2 words, hash-tagged into one... #finishwell
These two words can encompass many areas of my life. Of course, most important is spiritually. I want to "FINISH WELL" in my Spiritual journey. I want to be received in my heavenly home with a "Well done, my good and faithful servant". But I also want to "FINISH WELL" in all areas of life. There are things that I have started in the past, and have never finished. There are ideas, dreams, goals, etc that were at one pursued and never completed or worked on... Some things are just 'dreams', but some things can be brought into the real world. I need to FINISH what I start, and not just complete the tasks, but to complete them well, with excellence. I need to 'finish' my part, so someone else can pick up the baton, and continue their journey being blessed by something I did or said, or was.
This is a year of change... a year where things are happening and moving us in the right direction with God. We need to draw closer to Him, as He is unchanging and unwavering and He is a part of every area. Not just spiritually. After watching part of the funeral/celebration of life of Billy Graham, you can see the lives he touched all for the glory of God. He received many praises of things he had done, but the family (& friends) all gave the glory back to God. I want to be an example to the generations behind me. I want the glory to all go back to God. I am proud of who I am, what I stand for, and what I believe, and I need to remember who I am representing. Billy Graham knew he was representing God, and he was a man of integrity who was the same man on TV, as he was at crusades with millions, as he was at home with a few. I strive to be that kind of person. I want to "FINISH WELL" and people can say they knew me, they loved me, they learned from me, that I encouraged them, that I helped them 'finish well'... but I don't want it to be about me, and what I did or said, but I want it to be what God did through me.
I am beginning this year with a new and fresh vision to continue to learn and be the best me that I can be. It doesn't matter what others think or feel, if I am true to myself, and true to God, then I am living the dream. I am beginning a new adventure of "going back to school" and we will see where God takes me in that. I am excited to dig deeper into the Word of God, and into the deeper things of God. A few times it has been said that I have gifts that are yet uncovered... this is something I am strong at teaching the younger generations, but clearly not living out fully in my own life. I would like to gain respect, knowledge, wisdom, understanding in deeper spiritual things, so I am excited to learn more through the WHSM this year (and in years to come). I do not need a title, paper, etc to say who I am, or what I have learned, but because I am a life-long learner this is where I believe I am to be right now.
I also do not know how long I will be in my current position at work, I do hope that I continue to be at my workplace for a long time, but I know I will not always be in the position I am in right now. I am truly enjoying the position as I can float from room to room and touch the lives of many. From the babies, to Toddlers, to Juniors to Seniors and to their families and my colleagues. I am excited to be able to bless, inspire, assist, equip, train, build relationships, etc. I do not have "a class", but I am a part of all the classes. It is a joy to be welcomed into the rooms by the students, and they are truly happy to have me in their early childhood education. For those little lives, I am there. It is all about the children... helping the families and my colleagues are a nice bonus, but really I need to "FINISH WELL" for them. I have always lived my life with purpose and intention, and am not one for a lot of frivolousness, and small talk. But just sitting and freely observing and interacting with the children may not look like it has purpose or intention... but that right there has learning happening on their part as well as my own. As a teacher, you also have to be a learner. For such a time as this... I was created, I was placed and called to minister to these young lives. Early years learning is very important and I am happy and blessed to minister and be a part of the spiritual aspect of these childrens' lives. They bless me as much or more than I am able to bless them. I am learning a lot more about myself as I teach and learn from these kiddos and my colleagues... and their families. So in this little time that I have, I want to step up and finish well.
Standing firm, especially in this day and age, with all the crap that is going on in the world... things the world has called true, right and legal, yet as Christians we know to be the opposite. "Finish Well" and run the race God has called YOU to... not your neighbour, not your colleague, not your enemy... but YOU. You have a unique purpose and calling on your life, and you need to walk in it.
Too often we get part way, and the tough and rough tries to get us down, or we sit complacent in the world as it "goes to hell in a handbasket"... when just a couple more hits of the sledgehammer/pickaxe would have broken through to our reward... but we stop and turn around thinking we've done all we could do... or we stop or fall just before the finish line, and someone else comes along to get our reward, because we didn't FINISH WELL.
Be blessed and take some time to contemplate how you are doing in your race... will you "Finish Well"?
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